CREscent to the moon

CREscent is our team’s solution to combat CRE/CPE outbreaks in hospitals. It aims to be fast and efficient so that outbreaks can be prevented in advance.

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Our Problem

The overuse of antibiotics has led to an artificial increase of selection pressure on bacteria. This has led to the rapid development of antibiotic resistant bacteria. Over the recent years, the number of antibiotic resistant strains has increased.

Wanting to aide in the arms race against such bacteria, we decided to pick a specific group of antibiotic resistant bacteria, and develop a technique to help reduce their threat.

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Our Target

Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) also known as Carbapenem-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) is a family of Gram-negative bacteria that are resistant to a class of antibiotics known as Carbapenems which are only used to treat severe or high-risk infections

Current methods of CRE detection:

  • Swabbing - long turnover, as results take several days
  • Carba NP test - faster, but there are more false negatives. This is due to the wide range of Carbapenem resistance mechanisms, some of which are harder to detect

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Our Solution

Our system was designed around CRISPR-mediated activation of the transcription of a fluorescent reporter. All the components were designed with in vitro usage in mind – which is why the operation of the system in a cell-free context should be possible without much work. The product would take the form of a tube with this cell-free solution which a sample, such as a swab, can be submerged into. A result would be visible under UV light in up to 30 minutes.

A photo of our final product - a test kit for CRE

A photo of our final product - a test kit for Carbapenem resistant Enterobacteriaceae

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